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Nallıhan Kindergarten

Purpose Of Use Kindergarten Building
Building Model Panel System Prefabricated Building
Number Of Buildings 5 (3 Classrooms + 2 Event Halls)
Total Area 369 m²
Project Year 2021
Region To Be Used Ankara, Turkey
Completion Time 18 Days
Currently 47 guests are viewing this project

Built a kindergarten very fast with prefabricated structure

Kindergartens, which form the basis of pre-primary education, have become a part of education throughout Turkey with the decision taken by the Ministry. There are many building shortages across the country for newly mandated Kindergartens. The prefabricated building model offers great advantages in order to meet the needs of the Kindergarten in a short time. The Kindergarten buildings needed throughout the neighbourhood are built within days with the prefabricated building system and brought into the service of education.

The Kindergarten building built in Nallıhan, one of the westernmost districts of the capital Ankara, is one of them. The school building we built in Nallıhan district, located on the historical silk road, was completed in a short time like 18 days and put into the service of education.

Prefabricated educational buildings 70 percent faster

The prefabricated building system stands out with its fast construction times compared to other classical reinforced concrete building models. The prefabricated structure with the prefabricated model has the advantage of at least 70 percent faster construction time compared to the reinforced concrete model. Nallıhan Kindergarten Building, which is 396 m2 in size, was completed in a very short period of 18 days and put into the service of education. In the school building, where the panel system prefabricated building model is preferred, there are a total of 5 classrooms, 3 of which are classrooms and 2 of which are special event halls.

The project preparation of the school started at the request of Nallıhan Education and Cultural Services Assistance Association, the institution that financed the construction. The project, which was designed considering the number of students and capacity data in the Karmod technical office, was brought to the production stage. During the project phase, the criteria of the Ministry of National Education were taken as a basis for classrooms, special event halls and inner settlement.

The Nallıhan Kindergarten will meet the needs of kids

The Kindergarten building, which was designed considering the potential number of students, will meet Nallıhan's Kindergarten needs. In the Kindergarten building, which was designed by Karmod experts using special software programs, every detail from ergonomics to building safety was considered. Mechanical installation projects were prepared in the same program, along with static calculations that ensure prefabricated building safety. All details for full fire safety in the electrical installation project were provided with the support of the program, while the project control was carried out by experts. Sanitary and clean water installation projects were also prepared in the same environment. The modern production and assembly practices of the processes were inspected through quality control stages and safety was protected at every stage.

In the Nallıhan Kindergarten building, there are 3 classrooms and 5 classrooms, including a game room and a workshop. Other areas in the school consist of the principal's office, registration room, teachers' room, kitchen, dining hall and toilets.

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