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Pandemic Sahra Hospital – Saudi Arabia

Purpose Of Use Polyclinic Building
Building Model Next Generation Container
Number Of Buildings 8 Pieces (3x12 Units)
Total Area 320 m²
Project Year 2017
Region To Be Used Saudi Arabia
Completion Time 7 days
Currently 73 guests are viewing this project

Another health facility building project we have carried out was in Saudi Arabia. We established a two-storey prefabricated container hospital building within the city hospital in Dammam, the capital of the eastern region of the country. The hospital structure built with our next generation container model includes patient examination rooms where 21 doctors can serve at the same time.

Long life and fast installation advantages in the hospital polyclinic project has been an important factor in the preference of our next generation container structures. The existing fully-fledged hospital building belonging to the Meshfa Health Group, located in Damman city, proved to be serve the incoming patients due to the patient density.

Our container building group has attracted the attention of the hospital project coordinator, who saw the container office buildings we built throughout Saudi Arabia. The Meshfa Health Group management, which contacted Karmod, with the suggestion of the coordinator, started the project phase after getting detailed information about the technical features of our container buildings. The incoming request was evaluated in our technical office and a 21-room hospital polyclinic building project, which was designed to serve in different fields, was prepared and presented to the hospital management. After the hospital design approval stages, the production of the container hospital structure was started.

Disassembled mobile container units, which were pre-produced in Karmod modern facilities, were shipped to the place of installation. When the container building reached the hospital garden, where the installation will be made in Damman, we have completed the 320 square meter structure in just one week and delivered it ready-to-use with our expert teams who were already in the field.

In the container polyclinic project, fully demounted units of 3x12 meters size, which are the special production of Karmod, were used. With the ease of weldless bolt-nut and snap-on features, the two-storey building was installed in a short time with long life and building safety standards. With the commissioning of the container polyclinic building, the hospital patient density in the main building of the hospital was solved. A modern building was prepared to serve outpatient clinic patients. In the container polyclinic building, there are doctor rooms as well as x-ray, tomography, plaster and dressing room areas and WC toilet units.

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