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Prefabricated Refectory 136 m²

  • Height 5,2 m
  • Depth 7,73 m
  • Width 8,89 m
  • M2 136 m²
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Portable Canteen & Welfare Buildings

As Karmod, we have been providing numerous cutting-edge practical accommodation services since 1986, based on our understanding of quality and combined expertise over the years. Karmod Prefabrike Technologies has kept health and safety at the forefront in all of our projects for a long time. Our extensive accommodation solutions are built with modernized efficiency using the latest technology that allows us to grow our network and constantly update the way we serve. Thanks to our collective experience with projects we have realized all over the world, we provide the highest quality service. So far, we are one of the best providers of prefabricated and modular accommodation solutions on the market today. Our Portable Canteen buildings are one of our customized products of this quality. The portable building, which can be used in the desired location and for the desired purpose, is produced with advanced technological techniques in the factory environment.

Efficient And Flexible Portable Canteen Buildings

As Karmod Prefabricated Technologies, we attach great importance to offering our customers exactly what they need. For this reason, we design modular portable canteen and welfare buildings according to the wishes of our customers. Modular structures are a great option to develop for commercial facilities where practical solution needs are required. We believe that empathizing with our customers is the best way to lighten the burden of our customers, and we develop ourselves accordingly. We know that getting the buildings you need in a practical way is a huge advantage when starting a startup of any size. Aside from the fact that project management is a disappointment in itself, managing the budget can be another big problem. That's why, as Karmod, we design the best modular welfare facilities available on the market today. It is a well-known fact that prefabricated structures are less costly when compared to traditional structures. Prefabricated buildings are the best choice for you to have a quality, low-cost and practical solution.

Karmod Welfare Buildings

As Karmod, we design and manufacture our modular welfare facilities with passion and years of thought. It is produced and designed in a professional factory environment and easily delivered to the desired location. It is easily constructed by our team after delivery. Karmod has over 35 years of experience in manufacturing Site welfare units, Modular welfare buildings and Portable canteen cabins. We understand your needs and work with you every step of the way, from production to installation.

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