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Prefabricated Dormitory 204 m²

  • Height 2,5 m
  • Depth 8,99 m
  • Width 22.69 m
  • M2 204 m²
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Oil-Gas Operation Site Accommodation Services

Karmod Prefabricated Technologies is a huge family with competent personnel and a wealth of knowledge that has helped to complete several building projects and operations of all sizes. Karmod Prefabricated Technologies works hard to incorporate the newest technologies into all of our products with the goal of altering the word "accommodation" to a more useful, efficient, and cheap option throughout the world. We've been providing practical accommodation solutions all over the world for over 30 years, utilizing the most cutting-edge technology that our period has to offer. We have been among the most practical accommodation solutions providers in the business thanks to the understanding and respect we have created between our clients. Contact us and let's work together to shape the future.

Practical and Affordable Prefabricated Dormitories

In a construction project or oil gas operation of any size, it is very important to have a construction site accommodation solution or an oil gas accommodation solution as the continuation of the project or the operation relies greatly on the workforce so providing a comfortable shelter for the staff is vital. Even if you do fly-in, fly-outs, an on site oil gas accommodation solution can be a great relief for your staff. That is why, we, as Karmod Prefabricated Technologies, empathize with our customers and work hard to design the best oil gas accommodation solutions that are perfect for construction sites and oil gas operations. 

Increase Your Efficiency With Karmod Prefabricated Dormitories

As Karmod Prefabricated Technologies, we attach great importance to empathizing with our customers and designing our products in-line with their needs. That is why our Oil & Gas Accommodation and Oil field Man Camp Housing units are designed and produced with the sole aim of making your job easier. Karmod Oil Gas Accommodation Units have various properties that will help you in many ways during your project. The state-of-the-art insulation system and extended sustainability as well as reliability of our oil gas accommodation units are just few of them. Karmod is a global supplier that provides a wide range of high quality, comfortable offshore oil and gas accommodation and Oilfield man camp housing. We are able to take and complete orders around the globe simultaneously which what made us so successful and respected in this industry. For more information about our prefabricated dormitories, oil gas accommodation units and other prefabricated or modular products, please contact us so we can find the best deal for you.

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