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Prefabricated Refectory 576 m²

  • Height 520
  • Depth 1087
  • Width 2646
  • M2 576
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Prefabricated Refectories

Karmod has been consistently growing itself for over 30 years to become one of the industry's top prefabricated building providers. We operate efficiently and are continually looking for new technology to include into our services. Not only that, but we also create our products to meet the demands of our consumers. All of our products are designed to give you with the most cost-effective, practical, efficient, dependable, sustainable, and inexpensive lodging option available today. One of the reasons we are successful at what we do is because, as Karmod, we combine creativity with pragmatism and sympathize with our customers, resulting in mutual respect.

Easy-To-Install and Portable On-Site Dining Halls

When starting out a new project or an operation, a modular on site kitchen is a must have. Especially the said project or operation is located in a rural area far from highly populated area, certain buildings must be erected to provide the workers’ necessities. That is why we, as Karmod Prefabricated Technologies, work hard and design the best modular on site kitchen buildings and other on-site utilities that are designed to lighten your burden. All of our modular on site kitchen units are portable, affordable, sturdy, sustainable, reliable and customizable. Meaning, they can be relocated and installed very easily without requiring any kind of power tools or heavy machinery, they are able to operate on very harsh terrain as well as enduring harsh weather conditions, they can be used for a lifetime and repaired very easily, last but not least, they are more cost-efficient compared to other modular on site kitchen buildings and traditionally made buildings available in the market today.

Reliable On-Site Refectory Buildings

Construction / Building Site Kitchen, Karmod modular kitchens offer fast track kitchen and dining buildings which are quick and simple to install on site. Our Modular On-Site Kitchen Buildings - Portable Kitchens are designed by our experienced teams and manufactured in a professional factory environment. They are then sent to the desired installation site by sea, or land transportation systems. Our professional installation team will be at the site before the delivery. When the modular on site kitchen units are delivered, the installation process begins. Karmod Modular On Site Kitchen Buildings does not require excessive workforce to be installed. Only the Karmod staff present at the location is sufficient to fully erect the building. Any kind of power tools or heavy machinery are also not used during the installation so during this phase, any kind of disturbance is prevented.

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