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Mine Site Accommodation 662 m²

  • Height 5,2 m
  • Depth 11,5 m
  • Width 28,97
  • M2 662 m²
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Karmod Prefabricated Technologies is a big family with professional staff and collective experience that contributed in the realization of many construction projects or operations of any size. With an aim of changing the term ‘accommodation’ to a more practical, efficient and affordable solution across the world, we, as Karmod Prefabricated Technologies, work hard to implement the latest technologies in all of our products. For over 36 years, we have been using latest technologies that this era has to offer to deliver practical accommodation solutions all across the globe. Thanks to the mutual respect we have developed between our clients, we have become one of the best practical accommodation solutions provider in the industry. Contact us and let’s build the future together.

Portable Accommodation Solutions for Mining Operations

Mining site accommodation – workers accommodation services can be hard-to-find in such operations as finding a reliable, comfortable and sustainable prefabricated dormitories are very scarce across the market. For mine site accommodation solutions, you have to install sturdy product to endure harsh conditions of mining operations. That is why we, as Karmod, provide the best mine site accommodation services available in the world today. Our mine site accommodation services are sturdy, portable, customizable, sustainable, reliable and affordable. Meaning, they can be placed from one place to another with ease, they are designed to endure the harsh conditions of mining operations and any kind of weather conditions, they can be delivered fully customized, they can be used for a lifetime without a worry and even if they do malfunction, they are very easy to repair, last but not least, they are considerably more affordable compared to traditionally made buildings and other mine site accommodation services available in the market today.

Mining Site Accommodation Solutions that Considers Your Budget

Permanent & temporary mine site accommodation, storage, welfare solutions & Workers housing. Cost effective solution to on-site sleeping accommodation products that are not only practical but also affordable. They can save you from excessive heating bills because of their wonderful insulation systems. Also, because their practical design, they do not require many personnel to be installed. The installation process can be done with just Karmod personnel present at the installation site comparatively faster than any any other mine site accommodation services and especially traditionally erected structures. For more information about our mine site accommodation services and other products, do not hesitate to contact us so we can arrange the best accommodation solution perfect for your need.

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