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Construction Camp Buildings 98 m²

  • Height 2,5 m
  • Depth 7,1 m
  • Width 13,9 m
  • M2 98 m²
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As Karmod, it has extensive expertise in designing and manufacturing offices, camps and residences built for the comfortable accommodation of workers. With over 35 years of experience in the oil and gas, mining, military and other commercial sectors, we serve in many countries all over the world. We manufacture camps with all the units a project needs, from temporary construction camps to permanent operating facilities. Construction site camps provide as much space as workers need, with living quarters, dining facilities, kitchens and other units. We produce special construction site camp buildings for oil & gas hard working environment worksites. Our buildings are used as workforce housing.

Construction Site Work Camps for Every Project

Karmod is a supplier of modular and prefabricated construction site camps. The comfort of the facilities and buildings where the construction workers are accommodated is very important for both the efficiency of the project and the health of the workers. The time spent by the workers not only during their working hours but also during their resting hours is one of the factors affecting the efficiency of the project. Labor productivity will be high in construction site camps where workers feel at home. Thanks to the modular construction technology, workers can stay comfortably even in harsh weather conditions. Construction site work camp can be supplied quickly according to the needs of your project before starting the project. Building a traditional style man camp housing is very difficult and costly. Building a building with traditional construction methods requires much more material and labor. In addition, traditionally built camps must be permanent. Even if your project takes a long time, it is very difficult to move it to another location after the project is finished. Modular construction camps, on the other hand, can be moved to any location whenever you wish, whether your project is temporary or permanent.

Comfortable and Long-Lasting Worker Camps

With its experience in the sector since 1986, Karmod has been supporting important projects that have made a name for themselves in the world. Specially produced for each project in many different industries, construction site work camps are the ideal solution for your business. Our modular solutions enable large-scale camp structures to be produced and installed quickly, while at the same time offering a high level of comfort to meet individual requirements. We care about the opinions of our customers, and we work with our customers at all stages from planning to production. Work with us and let's build the future together.

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